Cimetidine in the management of colorectal cancer: A survey of the knowledge and opinions of pharmacy students

Jocelyn Brown 1, Bisrat Hailemeskel 1 and Fekadu Fullas 2, *

1 College of Pharmacy, Howard University, 2300 4th Street, Washington D.C., 20059, USA.
2 College of Health Sciences, Bonga University, 862J-GGH, Bonga, Kaffa, Ethiopia (Current Address: 1409 Jackson Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA).
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 07(02), 425-431.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.7.2.0304
Publication history: 
Received on 02 November 2022; revised on 17 December 2022; accepted on 19 December 2022
This survey was conducted at Howard University (HU) College of Pharmacy as part of a Drug Information course, in which First-Year Pharmacy students learn how to perform literature search on a pharmacy topic and run a survey. A total of 42 student respondents participated in the survey. Nearly 64% (n=27) wrongly thought that cimetidine reduces the risk of colon cancer, while 57.1% (n=24) gave a wrong response that, even though cimetidine is FDA-approved for other indications, it can be taken for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Twenty-seven (64.3%) correctly believed that cimetidine is used for other health problems than colorectal cancer. The majority gave the correct response (n=25; 59.5%) that prescription medications are more useful than dietary supplements for the prevention of colorectal cancer. The highest number of correct responses (n=28; 66.7%) was obtained for the question of cimetidine passing through breast milk. The opinions of survey respondents were evenly divided in recommending cimetidine for the prevention of colorectal cancer (50%, n=21), and knowing someone or oneself taken for other than colorectal cancer (50%, n=21). Opinions varied unevenly for the other three opinion-based questions.
Cimetidine; Histamine-2 Blocker; Colorectal Cancer; Knowledge; Opinion; Likert’s score
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