Editorial Board


Dr. Sharma Ranjan M. (Ph.D.. Biotechnology) e-mail: editor@ijsra.net


Editorial Board

Dr. Mohammed Muayad Taha, Assisstant Professor, Environment Research Center, University of Technology-Iraq.

Dr Durgesh Ranjan Kar, Professor, Bengal School of Technology A college of Pharmacy Chuchura Hoogly West Bengal India.

Dr. Nethaji Ramalingam, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutics, Devaki Amma Memorial College of Pharmacy, Chelembra, Malappuram 673634,India.

Dr. Gopi Mamidi, Assistant Professor, Dr. VS Krishna Govt. Degree and PG College Visakhapatnam, India.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Moawad Mabrouk, National Research Centre, Egypt.

Dr. Amit Parashar, Associate Professor, G L Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura, India.

Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, Department of Environment, Cokroaminoto University, Indonesia.

Dr. Tamer Gamal Ibrahim Mansour, Professor, National Research Centre, Egypt.

Dr. Mousumi Kar Pillai, Professor and Head, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medi-Caps university, MP, India.

Dr. Vinod Shrawan Khairnar, Professor, MET Institute of Engineering, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik.

Dr. Deepak Prakash Kadam, Professor, MET Institute of Engineering, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik.

Dr. Rasha Nagy Arafa, The Central Laboratory of Date Palm Researches and Development, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

Dr. Samuel Pushparaj Robert Jeyasingh, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.

Dr. Zakaria Ahmed, Principal Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Bangladesh.

Dr. Nwaerema Peace, Lecturer, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Nigeria.

Dr. Partha Pratim Chakravorty, Associate Professor of Zoology, Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College ( Autonomous), Midnapore, West Bengal, India.

Dr. Rahul Keshav Godge, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Pravaranagar, Maharashtra, India.

Dr. Deepak Kumar Srivastava, Princiapl & Department of Botany, Career Convent Girls Degree College, Lucknow, India.

Dr. Rakesh Devidas Amrutkar, Associate Professor, K.K.Wagh College of Pharmacy Nasik.

Dr.Mukesh Ramesh Pimpliskar, Head and Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, KME'S,G.M.Momin Womens College,Bhiwandi |(Thane) Affiliated to Mumbai University, India.

Dr. Michael Olumide Edwards Fapohunda, Senior Lecturer, Global Banking School, School of Business and Tourism, Canterbury Christ Church University, England. medwards@globalbanking.ac.uk

Dr. Adnène Ibrahim BELABED, Associate Professor, Departement of Biology. University of Badji MOKHTAR at Annaba, Algeria.

Mr. Hariprasad Sivaraman, Researcher, Lead Principal Software Development Engineer, Test, USA. <email: shiv.hariprasad@gmail.com>

Santhosh Katragadda, Sr. Network Engineer, New England College, USA. (sakatragadda@yondertech.net)

Dr. Abd El-Aleem Saad Soliman Desoky, Professor,  Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Egypt.

Mr. Surendra Vitla, Lead Security Consultant, TechDemocracy LLC, USA. (surendravitla@gmail.com)

Mmaduekwe Ebuka Paul, Researcher, Ball state University, Indiana, USA. (ebukammaduekwepaul@outlook.com)

Dr. Shelly Singh, Associate Dentist, Aspen Dental, USA. (drshellys76@gmail.com)

Mr. Raghu K Para, Independent Researcher, Ontario, Canada. (rpara@ieee.org)

FNU Zartashea, Researcher and Software Engineer, Independent AI researcher, Pakistan. (zartasheaa@gmail.com)

Mr. Mohan Raja Pulicharla, Data Engineer Staff, Move Inc., USA. (mohanrajapulicharla@gmail.com)

Gopinath Kathiresan, Senior quality engineering manager, Apple Inc, USA. (gopi.385@gmail.com)

Mr. Raveendra Reddy Pasala, Bus Sys Analyst, Sr Staff, Move Sales Inc. USA. (praveendrareddy@gmail.com)

Nagaraju Thallapally, Application Architect, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA. (nagthall9@gmail.com)

Jaymin Pareshkumar Shah, Researcher and Energy engineer, FST Technical services, USA. (jayminshah95@gmail.com)

Mr. Tasriqul Islam, Researcher, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, American National University, USA. <email: tasriqislam@gmail.com>

Dr. Irami Araújo Filho, Professor, Department of Surgery, Onofre Lopes University Hospital Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.


Expanding Editorial Board – (2025‐2026)

International Journal of Science and Research Archive (IJSRA) is committed to have dynamic and potential editorial board. We are currently expanding our editorial board for the year 2025-2026. To act as Editorial Board Members, the active researcher with excellent background in all the subject area falling within our journals scope can Join us.