Data drift detection and mitigation: A comprehensive MLOps approach for real-time systems

Naveen Kodakandla *

Independent Researcher, Aldie, Virginia, USA.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 3127-3139.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0724
Publication history: 
Received on 14 March 2024; revised on 26 May 2024; accepted on 29 May 2024
About Real time continuously updating machine learning systems it is important to note that model consistency and resilience is highly desirable. Nonetheless, data shift, or changes in the statistical properties of data over time, represent a great threat when it comes to maintaining the best possible model accuracy. In this article, the author considers the phenomenon of data drift in detail, and the methods of its prevention within the framework of MLOps. What this work aims to achieve The study explores different forms of data drift and their consequences, especially on real-time systems, the tools and methods used in monitoring the drift and methods used in containing the same.
Therein, we propose an end-to-end MLOps solution for handling the drift and using automated drift detection, retraining techniques and adaptive models for continuous learning. Finally, detailed experimental evaluations in numerous domains including healthcare, finance, and IoT confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Moreover, the article focuses on the new trends, The social or moral issues associated with the drift management and how advanced more advanced artificial intelligence tools become instrumental in the future of drift management. That is why, with a proper MLOps approach in place, an organization would be ready and able to address data drift as a problem, thereby maintaining sustainable, efficient real-time systems.
Data Drift; MLOps; Real-Time Systems; Drift Detection Techniques; Machine Learning Adaptation; Predictive Maintenance
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