Adaptive machine learning in federated cloud environments: Advancing data-centric AI

Atughara John Chukwuebuka *

University of Hull, United Kingdom.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 06(02), 361-376.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.6.2.0171
Publication history: 
Received on 09 July 2022; revised on 20 August 2022; accepted on 24 August 2022
This article examines the integration of adaptive machine learning (ML) within federated cloud environments, with a particular focus on its potential to advance data-centric AI. The study reviews the current landscape of federated learning, analyses the challenges and opportunities it presents, and evaluates adaptive ML techniques designed to enhance data privacy and model performance. Combining theoretical analysis with practical case studies, the paper offers valuable insights into the implementation of adaptive ML in federated cloud settings. The findings emphasise the significance of adaptive strategies in improving the efficiency, scalability, and security of AI models in distributed environments.
Federated Learning; Adaptive Machine Learning; Cloud Computing; Data Privacy; Data-Centric AI; Distributed Systems
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