|| eISSN: 2582-8185 || CODEN: IJSRO2 || Impact Factor 8.2 || Google Scholar and CrossRef Indexed
ISSN Approved JournalFast Publication within 48 hours || Low Article Processing Charges || Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal || Free Certificate
ISSN Approved Journal || eISSN: 2582-8185 || CODEN: IJSRO2 || Impact Factor 8.2 || Google Scholar and CrossRef Indexed
Fast Publication within 48 hours || Low Article Processing Charges || Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal || Free Certificate
Research and review articles are invited for publication in February 2025 (Volume 14, Issue 2)
From January 2025 onwards Articles published by IJSRA will be preserved at url https://journalijsra.com
Peer review is an essential part of the publication process and it ensures that IJSRA maintains the highest quality standards for its published papers. All manuscripts submitted to our journals are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts.
Immediately after submission, the journal’s Managing Editor will perform a technical pre-check of the manuscript. A suitable academic editor will be notified of the submission and invited to perform an editorial pre-check and recommend reviewers. Academic editors can decide to continue with the peer review process, reject a manuscript, or request revisions before peer-review. In the case of continuing the peer review process, the Editorial Office will organize the peer review, which is performed by independent experts, and collect at least two review reports per manuscript. We ask authors for sufficient revisions (with a second round of peer review, when necessary) before a final decision is made. The final decision is made by an academic editor (usually the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board Member of a journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue). Accepted manuscripts are then copy-edited and English-edited internally.
The role of the reviewer is vital and bears a great responsibility in ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record. Every reviewer is expected to perform manuscript evaluation in a timely, transparent, and ethical manner, following the COPE guidelines https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers-v2_0.pdf.
Reviewers should meet the following criteria:
We strives for a rigorous peer review to ensure a thorough evaluation of each manuscript—this is a fundamental task for our reviewers. Reviewers who accept to review a manuscript are expected to:
Manuscripts submitted to IJSRA journals are reviewed by at least two experts, who can be volunteer reviewers, members of the Reviewer Board or reviewers suggested by the academic editor during the preliminary check. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of the manuscript and to provide a recommendation to the external editor on whether a manuscript should be accepted, requires revisions, or should be rejected.
We ask invited reviewers to:
We ask reviewers to declare any potential conflicts of interest and email the journal Editorial Office if they are unsure if something constitutes a potential conflict of interest. Possible conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to):
Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest that may be perceived as bias for or against the paper or authors.
Please kindly note that if reviewers are asked to assess a manuscript they previously reviewed for another journal, this is not considered to be a conflict of interest. In this case, reviewers should feel free to let the Editorial Office know if the manuscript has been improved or not compared to the previous version.
Reviewers are also recommended to read the relevant descriptions in the Ethical Guidelines For Peer Reviewers by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
IJSRA journals operate single- or double-blind peer review . Until the article is published, reviewers should keep the content of the manuscript, including the Abstract, confidential. Reviewers should also be careful not to reveal their identity to the authors, either in their comments or in metadata for reports submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Reviewers must inform the Editorial Office if they would like a colleague to complete the review on their behalf.
IJSRA journals offer the possibility for authors to publish review reports together with their paper (Open Peer Review) and for reviewers to sign their open peer review reports once “Open Peer Review” is selected by the authors. However, this will only be done at publication with the reviewer’s permission. In all other cases, review reports are considered confidential and will only be disclosed with the explicit permission of the reviewer.
To begin with, please consider the following guidelines:
Note that IJSRA journals follow several standards and guidelines, including those from the ICMJE (medical journals), CONSORT (trial reporting), TOP (data transparency and openness), PRISMA (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) and ARRIVE (reporting of in vivo experiments). Reviewers that are familiar with the guidelines should report any concerns they have about their implementation.
For further guidance on writing a critical review, please refer to the following documents:
Review reports should contain the following:
General questions to help guide your review report for research articles:
General questions to help guide your review report for review articles:
The content of your review report will be rated by an Academic Editor from a scientific point of view as well as general usefulness to the improvement of the manuscript. The overall grading results will be used as a reference for potential promotion of Reviewer Board Members, Volunteer Reviewers and regular Reviewers. Reviewer can use herewith attached Peer review form.
During the manuscript evaluation, please rate the following aspects:
*At this stage reviewers can also suggest that a manuscript may be more appropriate for publication in another IJSRA journal. To save the time and effort of reviewers, authors have the possibility to request the transfer of review reports to another IJSRA journal.
Manuscripts submitted to IJSRA journals should meet the highest standards of publication ethics:
If the reviewer becomes aware of any scientific misconduct or fraud, plagiarism or any other unethical behavior related to the manuscript, they should raise these concerns with the in-house editor immediately.
Please provide an overall recommendation for the next processing stage of the manuscript as follows:
Note that your recommendation is visible only to journal editors, not to the authors. Decisions on revisions, acceptance, or rejections must always be well justified.
The review process for Registered Reports is divided into two stages. In Stage 1, reviewers assess study proposals before data is collected. In Stage 2, reviewers consider the full study, including results and interpretation.
When reviewing Stage 1 papers, note that no experimental data or results will be included. Reviewers only need to assess the method, including, for example:
Manuscripts that pass Stage 1 peer review may be published immediately or after the successful completion of Stage 2 (at the authors’ discretion). Editorial decisions will not be based on the importance or novelty of the results.
For Stage 2 manuscripts, reviewers will be asked to appraise:
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