Attitude of secondary school students towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Paschim Bardhaman district

Sudeshna Majumdar, Milan Barman *, Arabinda Bala, Babusona Bej, Sourav Sen and Tapash Das

Department of Education, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 3007-3018.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.2526
Publication history: 
Received on 10 November 2024; revised on 18 December 2024; accepted on 20 December 2024
Education is a vital weapon to construct a good nation. Hence every people have to access education. ICT based learning is a new innovation in education which enhances a positive outcome of learning. Learning through ICT is the best way to access education for all. But ICT based learning tools should be properly manage, hence ICT literacy is very much necessary. Using ICT to improve the teaching-learning process can improve quality in education as well as literacy rate of a nation. Hence it is very important to know at first, the knowledge & attitude of students towards ICT. If majority have the positive attitude, then it is very easy to enhance the ICT based learning in every school especially secondary school because this stage is the decisive stage of educational as well as vocational career. Hence this is the first stage of career construction, huge curricular content & examination is held from this period. So, the researcher of this study aims to find out the attitude of secondary school students towards ICT. The descriptive survey method had been used with 200 samples of class IX of both govt. & private secondary schools of Paschim Bardhaman district in West Bengal for this study. The study revealed that according to school type, private school students have more positive attitude than govt. school students. And according to gender type, girl students have more positive attitude than boys’ students of Class IX in Paschim Bardhaman district in West Bengal.
Attitude; Secondary School Students; Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
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