Cyber-securing Morocco's smart cities: A case review

Chaouki CHOURAIK *, Radouan EL-FOUNIR and Khalid TAYBI

Department of Public Law, Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, University of Hassan First, Settat, Morocco.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(01), 102–112.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.1.1619
Publication history: 
Received on 22 July 2024; revised on 01 September 2024; accepted on 03 September 2024
Urbanization and digital transformation are rapidly reshaping cities across Morocco, giving rise to Smart Cities that leverage advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and urban life quality. However, this shift towards interconnected, technology-centric urban environments also presents significant cybersecurity challenges that necessitate careful analysis. This paper explores the cybersecurity issues confronting Smart Cities, with a specific focus on case studies from Moroccan cities. As Morocco embraces Smart City initiatives to address urban challenges and drive economic growth, these developments bring both promise and risk. The increased connectivity and technological integration within Smart Cities offer improved services but also expose cities to a wider range of cyber threats. The interconnectedness of devices and systems in Smart Cities broadens the potential for cyber-attacks, including data breaches and disruptions to critical infrastructure. This review delves into the cybersecurity challenges faced by Moroccan cities as they advance technologically. It identifies vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure such as energy grids, transportation systems, and healthcare networks highlighting the dangers posed by inadequate cybersecurity measures. Moreover, the study underscores the socio-economic impact of cyber threats in Smart Cities, stressing the importance of robust cybersecurity frameworks to safeguard citizen data and maintain urban operations. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies tailored to the unique challenges of Moroccan Smart Cities. The insights presented aim to deepen understanding of the complex relationship between urbanization, technology, and cybersecurity, and to inform policy decisions, technological deployment, and collaborative efforts towards creating secure and resilient Smart Cities in Morocco.
Cybersecurity; Smart Cities; Morocco; Case review
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