A clinical Study of heart disease among asymptomatic antenatal women detected using Echocardiographic screening

Tejas Niwane *

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Apollo hospital Bilaspur, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 2548–2550.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1527
Publication history: 
Received on 07 July 2024; revised on 19 August 2024; accepted on 22 August 2024
Background: Pregnancy causes reversible changes in the maternal cardiovascular system. Adverse cardiac events during and after pregnancy continue to be the important causes of maternal mortality and morbidity. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy may confuse with signs and symptoms of heart disease. Echocardiography is safe, effective, noninvasive and does not expose the pregnant women to radiation hazards , so it plays a vital role in identifying the hemodynamic and structural changes in cardiovascular disease in asymptomatic antenatal women.
Aim & objective: This study aims to screen asymptomatic pregnant women using transthoracic echocardiography.
Material & Methods: Purposive sampling was done. The study was conducted at Apollo hospital Bilaspur from January 2024 to April 2024 enrolling 50 pregnant women from all trimester. Those with previous history of heart disease were excluded. Data was analysed for descriptive statistics using Microsoft excel and SPSS V 22 and was summarised using proportions, percentages, and contingency tables.
Results: Out of 50 enrolled study participants ,60%(n-30), 28 %(n-14),12%(n-6) were in third, second , first trimester respectively . we found that 6%(n-3) of the patient have either congenital heart disease or acquired heart disease. Out of 3 study participants, 1 had congenital heart disease and 2 had acquired heart disease.
Conclusion: Our study shows screening echocardiography will helpful in identifying the heart disesase and reducing maternal mortality and morbidity related to heart disease & this will justify the routine cardiac assessment in each and every pregnant women even in absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms.
2 D Echo; Heart disease; CHD; ANC
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