Evaluation of improved white fleshed sweet potato varieties at Gamo zone, Southern Ethiopia

Kanko Chuntale Chulda 1, 2, * and Melese Lema Tesema 1, 3

1 Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center (AmARC), P.O.BOX. 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
2 Root and Tuber crop research division (Root and Tuber Breeder), SARI, AmARC, P.O.BOX. 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
3 Crop improvement research division (Plant Breeder), SARI, AmARC, P.O.BOX. 2228, Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(02), 138–143.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.5.2.0070
Publication history: 
Received on 21 February 2022; revised on 29 March 20222; accepted on 31 March 2022
Six white fleshed sweet potato varieties were tested in Gamo zone of southern region, Ethiopia in 2019 and 2020 to evaluate their total root yield potential and demonstrate best performing varieties. The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among genotypes on growth, root yield and its components. The maximum number of marketable roots per plot was recorded on variety Hawassa -09 (70.25) whereas minimum number of roots per plot was recorded on ADU (11.00). The highest root yield per hectare was obtained from   variety Hawassa -09 (62.16 ton ha-1) followed by Tola and Berkume (53.99 and 52.85 ton ha-1), respectively. The lowest root yield per hectare was recorded from variety ADU (5.21 ton ha-1). Based on the result of this study from six evaluated white fleshed sweet potato varieties Hawassa -09 was recommended for pre extension demonstration at the area and similar agro ecological locations.
Sweet Potato; White Fleshed; Root Yield; Yield Related Traits
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