Consumer’s satisfaction towards service delivery of Nepal Electricity Authority: (A case study of Kuleshwor branch)

Bharat K.C *

M. Phil Scholar, Central Department of Public Administration, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 1308–1315.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1358
Publication history: 
Received on 15 June 2024; revised on 26 July 2024; accepted on 29 July 2024
Consumer satisfaction is fulfillment of consumer need, desires and expectation from their service provider. Now days, organization are trying to fulfill the consumer expectation and they are taking consumer satisfaction as primary goal of their organization. Main objective of present research article is to assess the consumer satisfaction towards maintenance service ,new consumer service ,meter reading service and revenue payment service provided by Nepal Electricity Authority, Kuleshwor branch.
This study follows descriptive and analytical research design. Primary data has used in this study. The population for this study is all the consumer of Kuleshwor branch and fifty consumers taken as sample for this study. Questionnaire is the main tools of data collection. For the collection of data five point Likert’s scale has used. Mean, standard deviation and variance have been used as main statistical tool for analysis of data. From this research it is concluded that that overall satisfaction of consumers towards service delivery of NEA Kuleshwor branch is satisfactory but not best.
Consumer satisfaction; Service delivery; Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
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