Understanding the psychological and behavioral factors influencing picky eating in preschool-aged children

Naldo Janius * and Mohammad Aniq Bin Amdan

UNITAR International University, lot129, Alam Mesra, Plaza Utama (phase 3), Sulaman, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 892–898.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1292
Publication history: 
Received on 05 June 2024; revised on 17 July 2024; accepted on 19 July 2024
Eating choices in preschool children are shaped by various psychological and behavioral factors. Key influences include the child's natural temperament, with traits such as sensory sensitivity and food neophobia playing an important role. Parental eating practices, including modeling healthy eating behaviors and creating a positive mealtime environment, have a significant impact on children's eating patterns. Family dynamics, such as parental pressure or restrictions, can exacerbate selective eating behavior. In addition, early experiences with a variety of foods and repeated exposure to new foods are also important in shaping a child's acceptance of varied foods. Interventions that emphasize a non-coercive and supportive approach, encourage repeated exposure to a variety of foods, and foster a positive mealtime atmosphere are critical to reducing picky eating behavior. By understanding these factors, parents and caregivers can better address and manage picky eating, encourage healthier eating habits, and support preschoolers' overall growth and well-being.
Psychological; Behavioral Factors; Picky Eating; Preschool; Modeling Healthy
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