Optimizing antenna performance: A review of multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) antenna design techniques

Mark Ivan Mapa, Dominee Kyle M. Ibarlin * and Edwin R. Arboleda

Department of Computer, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering, Cavite State University Main-Campus, Indang, Cavite, Philippines, 4122.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 438–444.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1252
Publication history: 
Received on 30 May 2024; revised on 07 July 2024; accepted on 10 July 2024
The continuous grow of demand for effective and efficient wireless communication systems also demands the continuous innovation in antenna designs. Along with this growth of demand, Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna was derived. This literature review discusses core principles of MIMO antenna, contrasting it with the traditional Single-Input Single Output (SISO) antenna and explores recent design techniques employed on MIMO antenna that could impact and change the future antenna technology and wireless communication. Furthermore, this includes application of MIMO antenna in wireless communication including compact configurations and multi-band operation. This paper also acknowledges the challenges associated in operating with MIMO antenna such as complexity and cost. This review offers a comprehensive overview of MIMO antenna, emphasizing its fundamental operation, design techniques, and its role in improving the wireless communication.
MIMO; SISO; Wireless communication; Antenna
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