Predicators of parenting stress among mothers raising children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the sultanate of Oman: A cross-sectional study

Maiyasa Ghabish AL-Saadi *

Oman College of Health Sciences (OCHS), Department of Child Health Nursing, Sultanate of Oman, University of Washington, Child, Family, and Population of health Nursing Department, United States.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 169–187.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1011
Publication history: 
Received on 24 February 2024; revised on 28 July 2024; accepted on 01 July 2024
Background: Several studies among parents of children afflicted with ASD reported higher levels of parenting stress compared to parents of other children with intellectual disabilities (ID) or typically developing (TD) children (Miranda et al., 2019). Also, Omani literature postulates that Omani parents of children with ASD endure a higher parental burden, clinically significant stress levels, anxiety, depression, and an increased public stigma compared to parents of TD children. However, relatively little is known about parental stress constructs in the Omani literature.
Research Design: A cross-sectional design was used to test a predictive model of parental stress in mothers raising children diagnosed with ASD in the Sultanate of Oman.
Aims: This study examined mental health, parental burden, and affiliate stigma as predictors of parenting stress. It also examined the mediating role of self-compassion and the moderating role of coping strategies and social support between these potential predictors and parenting stress. Results: Results showed that affiliate stigma and parental burden were significant predictors of parenting stress.
Self-compassion partially moderated the relationship between mental health, parental burden, and parenting stress. Implications are discussed in light of supporting programs and interventions to help these mothers cope and ultimately improve the quality of life in families of children with ASD.
 Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of addressing parental burden and stigma in supporting parents and promoting family well-being
Parenting; Parenting stress; Autism; Children; Oman
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