A study on mycology spectrum with aetiopathological factors and its management in otomycosis


Department of E.N.T, Sri Siddhartha Medical College and Hospital Agalkote,, Tumkur, Karnataka, 572107, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 1916–1918.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0600
Publication history: 
Received on 27 February 2024; revised on 21 April 2024; accepted on 24 April 2024
Background: Otomycosis (fungal otitis externa), is a fungal infection of external auditory canal (EAC). It is a common challenging problem in the ENT clinic, because for the need for long term treatment and follow up. The present study was thus designed with the view to know the mycological pattern encountered in otomycosis along with the aetio-pathological factors and its management.
Methodology: A prospective study was done in the Department of ENT, Sri Siddhartha Medical College & Hospital, Tumkur for a period of 12 months, total of 51 patients of both genders with clinical features of otomycosis were enrolled in the study. 2 swabs were taken from the EAC of all cases and after aural toileting under microscope, were treated with 1%clotrimazole and followed up for 2 months
Results: A total of 51 patients were examined in this study, of which 47 cases produced positive fungal isolates (92.1%). Females were more commonly affected than males. Most common pre-disposing factor was manipulation of the ear by unsterile material for cleaning the ear. Itching and pain were the most common symptoms, Aspergillus was the most common fungus isolated. Clotrimazole showed good response symptomatically and mycological clearance was seen within a week.
Conclusion: Otomycosis is still a common problem and is often misdiagnosed for other chronic otitic conditions. Fungi thrive on exfoliated dead epithelial cells along with humid environment in EAC. Thorough cleaning of fungi followed by topical antifungal agent is important in management of this condition. Clotrimazole is effective, safe and well tolerated topical antifungal agent.
Otomycosis; Female; Aspergillus; External Auditory Canal; Clotrimazole
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