Efficacy of some medicated soaps and hand washes available in market

Pimpliskar Mukesh 1, SoumyaGounder 2 and Rahul Jadhav 2, *

1 KMES’s G.M. Momin Women’s College, Bhiwandi Dist.-Thane 421 305, Maharashtra, India.
2 Vidyavardhini’s, ZoologyResearch Lab. E.S.A. College of Science, Vasai Road, 401202, Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 03(01), 047–055.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.3.1.0098
Publication history: 
Received on 10 June 2021; revised on 15 July 2021; accepted on 17 July 2021
Background: Handwashing is underlined as the absolute most significant measure to forestall cross-transmission of small-scale life forms and consequently to forestall nosocomial contaminations. Be that as it may, under routine emergency clinic practice consistent with this measure is still unsatisfactorily low, under half in many investigations distributed in the previous 20 years. This consistent finding is stressing because ongoing investigations have demonstrated that this degree of consistency won't decrease the danger of transmission of multi- medicate safe microscopic organisms in the emergency clinics.
Results: In the present investigation effect of marketed hand washed namely Lifebuoy, Dettol and Savlon were tested on bacteria E. coli, S.aureus, S.pyogen, Klebshiella and, fungi Candida albicans. All the handwash at concentrated level found to be effective but only Dettol hand wash could give inhibitory action at 25ug/ml against Klebshiella while others at50ug/ml.
Conclusions: Soapex and Dettol soap had broad spectrum activity as it inhibited the growth of Gram positive (Streptococcus pyogen) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli). Liquid handwash such as Lifebuoy,Dettol and Savlon showed broad spectrum activity on both Gram-positive and Gram negative test microorganisms.
Hand wash; Antimicrobial activity; Nosocomial; Infection; Soaps
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