A study to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme regarding the knowledge and attitude of dietary management among patients undergoing hemodialysis at selected tertiary care hospital

Nishitha. ODDI 1, DR. Rajaram K G 1, Raveendra. Y 1, Nirmala Ginkala 1 and Maryline Flinsi D 2

1 Emergency Department charge Nurse Apollo Drdo Hospital Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
2 Principal at Apollo School of Nursing Indraprastha, New Delhi, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 09(02), 566–575.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.2.0623
Publication history: 
Received on 26 June 2023; revised on 02 August 2023; accepted on 05 August 2023
Diet is an important factor for patients undergoing dialysis because of the effects of uremia. Goals of nutritional therapy are to minimize uremic symptoms and fluid and electrolyte imbalances, to maintain good nutritional status through adequate protein, calorie, vitamin, and mineral intake; and to enable the patient to eat a palatable and enjoyable diet. So the investigator conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme regarding the knowledge and attitude of dietary management among patients undergoing hemodialysis at Apollo DRDO hospital, Hyderabad. A Quasi experimental one group pre-test and post test design was selected to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme regarding the knowledge and attitude of dietary management among patients undergoing hemodialysis, For this study total 45 patients undergoing dialysis were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in Apollo DRDO Hospital Hyderabad. Data was collected with the help of structured knowledge questionnaires with the permission from Nursing Head and Ethical approval from Apollo Hospital Jubilee hills. This study concluded that maximum participants had adequate knowledge after structured teaching programme and good attitude regarding their dietary management. The Results showcased that the pre–test mean Knowledge score was +8.4 and Standard Deviation (SD) ±4.59 whereas the post-test mean Knowledge score of was ±21.8 and Standard Deviation (SD) ±4.86. The calculated paired‘t’ value was (13.4) which is more than the table value (1.684) at 0.05 level of significance. The study shows that maximum participants 39(86.6%) had adequate knowledge after structured teaching programme and good attitude 35(77.7%) regarding their dietary management .The study has Shown that the structured teaching program was effective in increasing the knowledge and attitude regarding dietary management among the patients undergoing haemodialysis.
Knowledge; Attitude; Nutritional Status; Hemodialysis Patients; Dietary Management.
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