Volumetric and viscometric study on the interaction of amino acid (valine) with an aqueous solution of cationic surfactant, Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB), at 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, and 313.15 K

Abhinandan Jain *

Department of Chemistry, Sidharth Govt. College, Nadaun, Distt. Hamirpur (H.P), 177033, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 339–343.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0753
Publication history: 
Received on 19 March 2024; revised on 29 April 2024; accepted on 02 May 2024
Interactions between the surfactant (CTAB) and amino acid (valine) were investigated using density and viscosity data. These data were utilized to calculate apparent molar volume, fv, and partial molar volume also known as limiting molar volume f0v and these parameters were further used to find out solute-solvent interactions between amino acid and surfactant at 298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K temperatures.
Surfactant; Amino Acid; Volumetric; Viscometric; Solute-solvent interactions
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