Trauma of the spine: Epidemiological aspects and tomodensitometric in Niamey

Inoussa DAOUDA BAKO 1, 5, *, Maman Rabilou SALEY MANI 1, Mahamat Hissene TIJANI 1, Mahamane Taher SIDIBE 3, Animou MAHAMAN SANDA 2, Abdoul Wahab ISSA 2 and Gidah SEYDOU 4, 5

1 Radiology and medical imaging department of reference general hospital (Niamey, Niger).
2 Orthopedic Traumatology department of the general reference hospital of Niamey (Niamey, Niger).
3 Radiology and medical imaging department of the Niamey National Hospital (Niamey, Niger).
4 Radiology and medical imaging department of the National Hospital Amirou Boubacar Diallo (Niamey, Niger).
5 Faculty of Health Sciences/Abdou Moumouni Dioffo University of Niamey (Niamey, Niger).
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 758–766.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0890
Publication history: 
Received on 09 April 2024; revised on 19 May 2024; accepted on 22 May 2024
Introduction: The trauma of spine is a frequent pathology. It is a pathology of young male adults. Medical imaging in particular CT scan is essential in the precise assessment of traumatic bone lesions of the spine.
Aim: Study the epidemiological and computed tomography aspects of spine trauma in radiology and medical imaging services at the Niamey National Hospital and the Niamey Reference General Hospital.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective and prospective study about 73 cases collected at Niamey National Hospital and Niamey Reference General Hospital from January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2019.
Results: In this study, male sex was largely predominant. The age group 20-30 was the most represented.
The cervical and back spinal floors were the most explored. The fracture was the most found lesion. The compact fracture is the most recorded fracture in the vertebral body. The cervical spine was the seat of the majority of fractures. The anterior luxation was notified, and like the fracture, it was mainly located at the level of the cervical spine more precisely at the level of C5-C6. The post-traumatic disc hernia was mainly cervical and the location was majority C5-C6. Note the spinal channel was mostly normal.
Conclusion: The trauma of the spine is a frequent pathology which most often affects young male adults. Computed tomography allows a balance of traumatic bone lesions of the spine.
Trauma; Rachis; Tomodensitometry; Niger
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