Tackling data and model drift in AI: Strategies for maintaining accuracy during ML model inference

Surya Gangadhar Patchipala *

Director, Consulting Expert - Data, AI, ML Engineering
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 1198–1209.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.0855
Publication history: 
Received on 19 September 2023; revised on 26 November 2023; accepted on 30 November 2023
In machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), model accuracy over time is very important, particularly in dynamic environments where data and relationships change. Data and model drift pose challenging issues that this paper seeks to explore: shifts in input data distributions or underlying model structures that continuously degrade predictive performance. It analyzes different drift types in-depth, including covariate, prior probability, concept drift for dasta, parameters, hyperparameter, and algorithmic model drift. Key causes, ranging from environmental changes to evolving data sources and overfitting, contribute to decreased model reliability.
The article also discusses practical strategies for detecting and mitigating Drift, such as regular monitoring, statistical tests, and performance tracking, alongside solutions like automated recalibration, ensemble methods, and online learning models to enhance adaptability. Furthermore, the importance of feedback loops and computerized systems in handling Drift is emphasized, with real-world case studies illustrating drift impacts in financial and healthcare applications. Finally, future AI system drift management will be highlighted from emerging directions such as AI-based drift prediction, transfer learning, and robust model design.
Data Drift; Model Drift; AI Model Accuracy; Machine Learning Drift Detection; Concept Drift
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