Sustainable supply chain management: The right way of doing business in Nigeria


Robert Kennedy College (Leadership and Sustainability) University of Cumbria, Ambleside United Kingdom.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 2551–2570.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1573
Publication history: 
Received on 15 July 2024; revised on 22 August 2024; accepted on 24 August 2024
Background: Improved organizational performances and increased competitiveness have been linked to sustainable supply chain management as a strategic tool. In Nigeria, most manufacturing companies seems to be unaware of the importance of this tool in their supply chain processes. Some of their manufacturing outputs are threats to life's existence. Proper adoption of all sustainable practices will not only reduce the cost of production but will also increase business profitability.
Purpose: The main objective of this study is to investigate guidelines or practices manufacturing companies in Nigeria must adopt to achieve sustainability in their supply chain management. In addition, to explore the relationship between the outcomes of sustainable supply chain management practices and business profitability among manufacturing firms in Nigeria.
Methodology: The research design is a descriptive type. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire that was designed to address each of the research questions.
Findings: The findings are presented in tables. It was shown that the general awareness of sustainable practices is a bit above average and the adoption of the practices was seen in varying degrees. Reverse logistics (37%), sustainable warehousing (75%), environmental purchasing (26%) sustainable transportation (4%).
Discussions: Adoption of these sustainable practices has been seen to increase sales, improve the corporate image of the firm, and improve information sharing among all stakeholders. However, this adoption is still poor, which means that the manufacturing sector has yet to harness the concept of sustainability as an option for doing business right in the country.
Sustainability; Profitability; Sustainable practices; Supply chain optimization; Environmental Impacts
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