A survey study to evaluate the Greeva Pramana (anthropometric measurement of neck)

Seetharama Mithanthaya 1, * and Swati Bedehar 2

1 Department of Rachana Sharira, J S Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.
2 Department of Rachana Sharira, Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College, Satara, Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(01), 866–872.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.1.0837
Publication history: 
Received on 03 September 2023; revised on 13 October 2023; accepted on 16 October 2023
Pareeksha of Karya Desha i.e., Atura Deha is a prerequisite before performing the Chikitsa. The basic goal behind Pareeksha is an assessment of Bala and Ayu. TheSwa-Angula Pramana” is taken as the unit of measurement of the body parts and structures with respect to length, breadth, height, and circumference. In Ayurvedic literature due importance was given to the measurement of different parts of the body.
Greeva is that part of the body that connects the head to the trunk, is one among the Shadanga, and is also known by other names such as Manya, Shirodhi, and Kandhara. The Ayama (length) or Utseda (height) of Greeva is 4 Angula; the Parinaha (circumference) of Greeva is 22 Angula as per Caraka Samhita whereas Sushruta Samhita mentions it as 20 Angula. The present study was to evaluate the measurement of Greeva Pramana among 265 volunteers.
Angula Pramana; Greeva; Anthropometry; Ayama; Vistar; Parinaha
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