A study of 100 children with intussusception in Misan

Mowheba Saeed Shuker 1 Ali Abdulnabi Abdulhassan 2 and Bassam Hamed Sweedan 3, *

1 Pediatrics, Al-Sader Teaching General Hospital, Misan, Iraq.
2 Pediatric Surgery, Al-Sader Teaching General Hospital, Misan, Iraq.
3 Pediatrics, Fallujah Maternity and Children's Hospital, Fulluja, Iraq.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 06(01), 167–171.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.6.1.0082
Publication history: 
Received on 23 March 2022; revised on 19 May 2022; accepted on 22 May 2022
In early childhood the commonest cause of bowel obstruction is intussusception. A total of 100 children of intussusception were managed during the period from January 2014 to October 2018, male (73) and female (27). Those children were subjected to ultrasonic for diagnosis of intussusception.
Results revealed that the common symptoms were excessive cry (87%), vomiting (77%) blood in stool (52%). Ileocolic intussusception (97%) was the commonest type.
Ninety five children of the present study underwent hydrostatic reduction (with salie enema done after inflation of Foleys catheter in the rectum and flowing saline through it). The hydrostatic reduction was successful in seventy-one children (71%). Twenty nine children (29 %) needed surgery. The median hospital stay was 2 days and children (75%) went home within 48 hrs. Eight children (8%) of the study population developed complications. (1%) had shock.  (5%) had perforation, 1% peritonitis and 1% septicaemia.
Children Intussuscepti; Vomting; Blood Stool
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