Space management using Transpalatal arch in mixed dentition phase: A case report


Department of Pediatric and preventive dentistry JSS Dental College and Hospital, JSS academy of higher education and research, Mysore - 570 015 Karnataka, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 1279–1283.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1347
Publication history: 
Received on 12 June 2024; revised on 24 July 2024; accepted on 26 July 2024
Introduction: The early exfoliation of primary molars during the mixed dentition phase often results in disruptions to the normal development of occlusion. An alternative option for space management in the maxillary arch besides the commonly used Nance palatal holding appliance is the transpalatal arch which allows some amount of space regaining.
Case report: A 9 year old female reported with a complaint of missing tooth in the upper right back tooth region since 2 years. On examination, there was premature loss of the right primary maxillary first molar causing space deficiency in the arch form. A treatment plan was made for space regaining and distalization with transpalatal arch custom made with 0.9mm stainless steel wires and soldered to the molar bands. The treatment spanned for 10 months with the eruption of the permanent successor in correct arch form.
Conclusion: Although the use of transpalatal arch is limited in pediatric dentistry, it can be used for correcting minor space discrepancies of the maxillary arch. More number of cases need to be studied for extending the use of the appliance in interceptive orthodontics.
Interceptive Orthodontics; Space Regainer; Molar Distalisation; Goshgarian Appliance; Space Management; Preventive Orthodontics
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