A sociological perspective on India’s journey of legalizing prostitution: An illicit to a lawful activity

Akwinder Kaur *

Department of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 182-188.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0326
Publication history: 
Received on 13 November 2022; revised on 24 December 2022; accepted on 26 December 2022
Prostitution had a part of Indian civilization since its inception and marked as one of the oldest occupations in the world. In Indian society, prostitution is mostly regarded as taboo and often associated with violence, prejudice and exploitation. Hence the need of necessary attention has been given to its regulation. The issue of formalizing or legalizing this activity is coming up more and more as a result of the moral ambiguity that surrounds it. The post-independence and earlier governments have taken a number of measures regarding prostitution. This paper evaluates the technical flaws in India that are overlooked in the social discussion over the legalization of prostitution and lays forth a clear course for improved socio-economic growth. The article looks at that particular legislation and identifies that such steps are or aren't able to stop this threat. India has recently taken a position on the legality of prostitution. The issue about legalizing prostitution and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so are further discussed in the article. The conclusions are supported by statistical data from studies, publications and surveys from national registries.
Prostitution; Legalization; Occupation; Benefits
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