Review of resveratrol for the management of hyperlipidemia and survey

Ayona N. Shelton, LaNisha T. Potts Alvina C. Okafor, and Bisrat Hailemeskel *

Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Howard University, Washington, USA.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 09(01), 020–026.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.1.0338
Publication history: 
Received on 13 March 2023; revised on 30 April 2023; accepted on 01 May 2023
The goal of this paper is to conduct a literature search to determine the beneficial use of resveratrol in the management of hyperlipidemia. Based on the literature results obtained, a survey questionnaire was developed with the secondary goal of conducting a knowledge and opinion survey among pharmacy students. Data was then analyzed via SPSS software. A total of 45 students participated in the study. There were more females than males (N=27, 64.3%) and the majority were between the ages of 24-26 years old (N=17; 40.5%). More than half lived outside of the Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia area (N=27, 57.1%), and have a BA/BS degree (N=34, 81%). The knowledge-based questions were scored, and the average number of correct responses was 58.74%. This reveals that only about half of the respondents were familiar with the beneficial use of resveratrol in lowering serum lipids. However, results also show that although survey participants may be a little familiar with resveratrol, 61.91% of them are least likely to recommend it to family and friends. Some significant values presented during the survey were discussed. Based on this study, it may be advisable to incorporate dietary supplement modules earlier in the didactic portion of the pharmacy curriculum. A larger study that also includes participants from other healthcare professions is necessary.
Resveratrol; Hyperlipidemia; Pharmacy; Student; Survey; Dietary supplement
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