Redefining rural markets: The influence of digital media on consumer behavior in rural India

S. Md. Shakir Ali 1, and Md. Wasim Akhtar 2

1 Faculty Department of Digital Business, Lithan Academy (eduCLaas) Singapore. 

2 Junior Research Officer, Council For Social Development (CSD); Hyderabad. .
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(01), 404–410.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.1.0760
Publication history: 
Received on 08 August 2023; revised on 17 September 2023; accepted on 19 September 2023
The rapid proliferation of digital media in rural India is reshaping consumer behavior and purchasing patterns, unlocking new possibilities for businesses. This research provides comprehensive insights into the transformative impact of digital media on rural consumer behavior, elucidating how increased access to smartphones, the internet, and social media is revolutionizing the rural consumer landscape. By examining digital media usage patterns, changes in information-seeking behavior, the influence of social media, and the consequential shifts in purchase decisions among rural consumers, this article sheds light on the dynamic transformation occurring in India's rural markets. These findings underscore the vast potential of digital media in rural India and offer valuable implications for businesses looking to navigate this evolving landscape effectively.
Digital Media; Rural Consumer Behavior; Rural Markets; Digital Transformation; Digital Marketing
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