Preliminary study of the structure of the aquatic macroinvertebrate stands in lake Mai Ndombe in the province of Mai Ndombe in the RDC

Jean Djonga Lohaka 1, Jean-Claude Tshijik Kamb 1, Pascal Isumbisho 2, Edouard Mbungu Sisa 1, * and Thérèse Lokwa Eume 2

1 Hydrobiology Laboratory, National Pedagogical University (NPU) B.P. 8815 Kinshasa I, Congo.
2 Laboratory of Studies of Aquatic Environments of the Higher Pedagogical Institut of Gombe B.P. 190 Kinshasa XI, Congo.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 06(01), 125–138.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.6.1.0114
Publication history: 
Received on 07 April 2022; revised on 10 May 2022; accepted on 12 May 2022
The preliminary study of the structure of the macroinvertebrate stands of Lake Mai Ndombe in the DRC was carried out in February 2020. Six hundred and ten (610) aquatic macroinvertebrates were captured, divided into 7 orders and 28 families. The family of Corduliidae was the most abundant with 17.7% of the total specimens, it was followed by the Dystiscidae (14.1%), Naucoridae (12.7%), Limnebiidae (11.3%), Atyidae (7.7%), Coenagrionidae (6.5%) and Libellulidae (6.4%). The other families were poorly represented. The diversity indices calculated for the different stations varied between 1.67 (Ndom IV) and 2.8 (Ndom I) and the fairness between 0.93 (Ndom III and Ndom IV) and 0.96 (Ndom II) . The IBGN calculation revealed that the biological and ecological quality of the waters of this lake ranges from fair quality with Polycentropodidae as the indicator group to poor quality with the oligochaetes as the indicator group.
Lake Mai Ndombe; Preliminary study; Aquatic Macroinvertebrate; Stand Structure
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