Practical challenges of integrating technology within Lesotho's secondary geography education: A conceptual analysis

Mampota Selialia and Lehlohonolo Kurata *

Department of Languages and Social sciences, The National University of Lesotho, P.O. Roma 180, Lesotho.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 1016–1022.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.1079
Publication history: 
Received on 12 November 2023; revised on 20 December 2023; accepted on 23 December 2023
The integration of technology is significant in secondary schools as it has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning to align with the 21st century demands. However, practical challenges hinder the effective integration of technology in secondary schools. This conceptual study identifies key barriers to technology integration including limited funding for connectivity, inadequate professional development opportunities for educators, inconsistent technology implementation across schools and unclear policies. These challenges impact the effective integration of technology in Geography Education in Lesotho secondary schools. To address these issues, the study adopts Atabek's comprehensive interventionist framework, emphasizing components such as policy development, financial support, and professional development. The recommendations for this study align with Atabek's framework and they include that the Ministry of Education and Training in Lesotho should develop clear policies for technology integration, with a specific focus on Geography Education. Additionally, the ministry should establish strategic planning and budgeting processes to ensure consistent financial support and resource allocation for technology integration initiatives in Lesotho secondary schools.
Challenges; Technology; Integration; Geography Education; Secondary schools
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