Performance evaluation of selected exotic chicken breeds under farmers management in Derashe and Konso Zones, SNNPR, Ethiopia

Mekete Manjura Suntebo * and Ayano Abera Gagebo

South Agricultural research Institute, Arbaminch Agricultural Research Center P.O Box -2228, Arbaminch, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 128–136.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.0903
Publication history: 
Received on 25 September 2023; revised on 02 November 2023; accepted on 04 November 2023
This study was conducted under on-farm conditions, as farmer-led experimentation; in two target areas (Karat town and Gidole town) of Konso Zone and Derashe Zone, South Ethiopia with the objective of evaluating and comparing the production performance of Koekoek and Sasso chicken breeds under different locations and on farm management systems to establish breed suitability under varying conditions. In this study, the growth of chickens was mostly affected by the environment which reflects their differences in response to location factors. In general, the observed final bodyweight attained by Sasso during the growing phase in the present study was 2.5± 14.9 gram.  The current study's findings regarding the egg production attribute indicate that the interplay between location and breed has an impact on the age at which the first egg is laid. Koekoek chickens matured around 11 days earlier than Sasso chickens in the Karat town whereas Sasso chickens matured about 13 days earlier in the Gidole town. In the current study, both the growing and laying stages showed higher chicken mortality rates in the low land area than in the highland area. Poor management techniques (inadequate feeding) of the birds observed in the lowland areas as opposed to the highland areas may be to blame for this.
Koekoek; Sasso; Production; Management; Agro Ecology
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