Participatory evaluation and demonstration of Moringa tree for leaf yield production in Kachebirra district, Southern Ethiopia

Belayneh Lemage Bongido 1, * and Mekuria Girma Hadera 2

1 Natural resource Research directorate, Agroforestry Researcher, Areka Agricultural Research Center, Southern Ethiopia Agricultural Research Institute, Areka, Ethiopia.
2 Natural resource Research directorate, Agroforestry Researcher, Areka Agricultural Research Center, Southern Ethiopia Agricultural Research Institute, Areka, Ethiopia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 1873–1877.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.2352
Publication history: 
Received on 21 October 2024; revised on 30 November 2024; accepted on 02 December 2024
Moringa is a multipurpose tree distributed in the lowland areas of the southern Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to demonstrate Moringa tree for leaf yield production in smallholder farms under farmer management condition. The present study was conducted in Kachabira district, Southern Ethiopia. Two Moringa species are planted in the homestead of five farmers and one FTC (farmer training center) to enhance land productivity. Raised seedlings were planted with recommended spacing of 2m*2m between plants and rows. The growth performance data were collected for survival rate, root-collar diameter, height and fresh leaf yield. The result obtained showed that both species performed well in the studied area where it has been grown. The survival rate of both species in the studied area was 100% and 98% for Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oliefera, respectively. The plant height, root collar diameter, branch number, and fresh leaf yield parameters were recorded as an indicator for growth performance of planted Moringa species. The result of plant height, root collar diameter, leaf area and leaf yield for Moringa stenopetala and oliefera were 1.75m and 1.48m, 11.97mm and 7.84mm, 276.41mm2 and 49.93mm2, and 581.58gm and 90.47gm per plant, respectively. The growth performance information in the introduced area showed that it is suitable to grow Moringa stenopetala and oliefera. Therefore, farmers should practice and promote plantation of Moringa tree to improve production and enhance livelihood of farming community. Further research is desired on nutritional quality with respect of harvesting season, and organic amendments to improve leaf yield.
Growth performance; Kachebirra district; Leaf yield; Moringa tree
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