Part 2: Concept development of ‘Weather energy transformers (WETRAN)

Ravi S. Gonella *

MSc in STEM, Aalborg University Denmark; Founder & CEO of Dan Orfester Renewables (DOREN).
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(01), 097–099.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.1.0678
Publication history: 
Received on 15 July 2023; revised on 28 August 2023; accepted on 31 August 2023
One of the first thing you likely do in the morning is to look out the window and see what the weather is like. We are interested in harnessing or combatting the weather to capture all sources of energy it produces. The energy, a weather, may encounter from include heat, light, wind, wave and storms. These translational energies are transformed to electrical energy to lighten the homes and buildings; and further to produce green hydrogen to fuel the essential needs of the daily life. Thus, a concept of Weather Energy Transformers (WETRAN) is developed to describe the Consolidated weather energy conversion (CWEC) & Weather forecast energy prediction (WFEP). The WETRAN’s are known as Weather Hybrid Energy Transformers are made primarily to quest the global free energies. WETRAN installations are predicted to come into existence by 2030.
WETRAN; WEC; Solar; Wind; Wave; Storm; H2; PtX
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