Knowledge use in business exchange: Acting and thinking business actors

Jinyoung Hwang *

University of edinburgh MA Social Policy and Economics, United Kingdom.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 2956–2968.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1192
Publication history: 
Received on 28 May 2024; revised on 24 August 2024; accepted on 27 August 2024
Performance of organizations is highly reliable on the acquisition and utilization of knowledge by workers. Markets, being perceived as ecosystems where ideas interact for the best interest of every player, can benefit organizations with high agility and innovativeness. However, studies have indicated that the utilization of knowledge has not been optimized in many organizations due to hindrances such as compartmentalization of information, management structures, and inefficient communication channels. This research focuses on a complex investigation into the relationship between the utilization of knowledge in company transactions and behavioral inclinations, decision-making efficiencies, and cognitive frameworks. The study also delves into the barriers that hinder the absorption and utilization of knowledge in organizations, and how the barriers can be resolved to allow for seamless learning for all participants. The findings indicate a strong positive relationship between leadership style and utilization of knowledge within organizations. Effective leadership strategies enhanced facilitation of information flow, hence promotion of a culture of information sharing. The results also revealed presence of positive strong relationship between organizational culture and level of knowledge within organizations. The results validate prior studies on facilitation of behavioral characteristics in facilitating knowledge utilization in organizations.
Organizational Performance; Behavioral inclinations; Cognitive frameworks; Behavioral dynamics; Cognitive modalities
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