Kidney protective and burn healing effect Plantago lanceolata aqueous extract on albino male mice

Basma Khalid Alani *

Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Biotechnology, Al- Nahrain University, Iraq.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 304-309.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0041
Publication history: 
Received on 01 December 2022; revised on 12 January 2023; accepted on 15 January 2023
This study aimed to in vivo evaluate the effect of Plantago lanceolata aqueous extract on kidney function test ( total serum protein, urea and creatinine) and anti-inflammatory effect through determined the day require to heal burn in mice skin.. Plantago lanceolata is a species of flowering plant in the Plantaginaceae (plantain) family, Plantago lanceolata seems to be a very versatile in addition to the medicine cabinet being an antifungal, antioxidant, analgesic and many other medicinal application. Two design of mice groups used: one for kidney protective and other for anti-inflammatory activity. In kidney protective activity eight mice groups were assessed: group I: mice treated with first plant dose (500 mg\kg) , group II: mice treated with second plant dose (250 mg\kg), Group III :negative control; mice administrated with distill water, Group IV: mice were administrated with CCL4, Group V: An interaction between CCL4 and first dose of plant extract (0.02 mg\kg CCL4+ 500 mg\kg plant dose), Group VI: An interaction between CCL4 and second dose of plant extract (0.02 mg\kg CCL4+ 250 mg\kg plant dose), Group VII:: An interaction between first dose of plant extract and CCL4 (500 mg\kg plant dose +0.02 mg\kg CCL4), Group VIII: An interaction between second dose of plant extract and CCL4 (250 mg\kg plant dose +0.02 mg\kg CCL4). While for anti-inflammatory activity, three mice groups were assessed: Group I: Mice without any treatment, Group II: Mice were administrated with Plantago lanceolata and Group III: Mice were administrated with silverin cream of burns. The results showed that CCL4 drug produced an experiential decrease in protein concentration (3.76±0.15 g\dL) in contrast with negative control (5.40±0.26 g\dL), while direction of plant and plant with CCL4 at all doses tested instigated an increase in total protein concentration (7.46±0.40, 6.43±0.41, 6.43±0.41 and 5.60±0.73 g\dl) for groups (V, VI, VII and VIII respectively).Creatinin also match other results of kidney function by increasing their concentrations in mice treated with CCL4 (0.80±0.10 mg\dL ) as compared to negative control (0.3±0.1 mg\dl) while plant extract showed the ability to cause reduction in a concentration in a dose dependent manner and according to deferent treatments (0.60±0.10, 0.62±0.15, 0.36±0.05 and 0.50±0.10 mg\dl) for (group V,VI,VII and VIII respectively). The results of anti-inflammatory activity declared the ability of plant to heal burn in 14 days as compared to negative and positive controls which require 28 and 18 days) respectively. All obtained results may be attributed to active secondary metabolite presented in plant like tannin, mucilage and silicic acid etc.
Planntago lanceolata; Anti-inflammantory; Ura; creatinine; Total serum protein
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