Health promotion strategies for cardiovascular disease in the community of Uganda: Policies, challenges, and pathways to a healthier future

Alexandros Argyriadis *, Chrisi Vlachou, Ioannis Andriopoulos and Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos

Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Frederick University, Cyprus.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(01), 360–365.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.1.0759
Publication history: 
Received on 06 August 2023; revised on 13 September 2023; accepted on 16 September 2023
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) pose a growing public health challenge in Uganda. This article comprehensively assesses current CVD policies and interventions, identifies challenges, and proposes health promotion strategies to mitigate CVD risk factors. We analyzed existing policies related to tobacco control, alcohol regulation, dietary improvements, physical activity promotion, and access to essential medicines. Current barriers to effective policy implementation were identified through a review of literature and government reports. Potential interventions were synthesized from international best practices. Uganda's current policies indirectly address CVD risk factors, but several barriers hinder their effectiveness, including outdated alcohol laws, limited enforcement resources, and inadequate tobacco cessation measures. Our proposed interventions encompass tobacco control, physical activity promotion, alcohol regulation, food safety, and enhanced access to medicines. To combat the rising CVD burden, Uganda must strengthen tobacco control efforts, promote physical activity at workplaces and schools, update alcohol regulations, improve food safety, and ensure consistent access to essential medicines. These strategies offer a roadmap for a healthier future in Uganda.
Cardiovascular diseases; Health promotion; Policies; Uganda; Tobacco control; Alcohol regulation; Physical activity; Food safety; Essential medicines
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