Gender equity: A brief overview in Puebla City-Mexico

Rivera-Vega N 1, *, Vega-Benitez M 2 and Rivera A 3

1 Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.
2 Eastern Institute of Puebla, Mexico.
3 Science Institute, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 06(01), 195–199.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.6.1.0124
Publication history: 
Received on 19 April 2022; revised on 22 May 2022; accepted on 25 May 2022
Gender equity is an ethical consideration with which we try to apply measures that correct the historical imbalance between genders, however the current panorama reflects differences in treatment and opportunities between men and women, the latter being the most vulnerable sector. The objective was to analyze gender equity in our society through the design of an instrument applied to an open population. In the present study, an observational, prospective, cross-sectional and descriptive design was used, applying an ad-hoc questionnaire to a total of 130 individuals in Puebla city during the months of november-december 2021, in order to collect information that It would allow us to know the possible causes and consequences that are involved in gender inequality.
The analyzed sample showed that the percentage of participation for women was 79.2% and for men 20.8%. Individuals surveyed 89.2% reported that they do not consider that there is gender equality in our society. Regarding the fact of whether men and women receive the same treatment at work, school or other environment, 53.1% answered no and 46.9% affirmed yes. 70.7% of the responses state that human rights violations affect both genders, and only 29.3% state that their impact is due to or based on the sex of the victim. There is agreement on the fact that there is no gender equity in our society and that it also happens in almost all areas of social activities.
Equity; Gender; Population; Puebla; Mexico
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