Factors influencing effective teaching and learning of mathematics: A case of selected secondary schools in Lusaka District, Zambia

Chanda Chansa Thelma 1, * and Mwila Morgan 2

1 Rockview University, Lusaka, Zambia.
2 Chudleigh House School, Lusaka, Zambia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 143–151.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.0905
Publication history: 
Effective teaching in mathematics is crucial for students to develop a deep understanding of the subject, foster problem-solving skills, and cultivate a positive attitude toward math. While mathematics can be challenging for many students, a well-crafted teaching approach can make a significant difference in their learning experience. Hence, this study was carried out in Lusaka district and it aimed at investigating factors influencing effective teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools of Lusaka district in Zambia. The study was based on three major objectives: (i) to identify factors leading to poor learner academic performance in mathematics in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district, (ii) to establish challenges associated with the teaching and learning of mathematics in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district, and (iii) to suggest measures to promote effective teaching and learning of mathematics in selected secondary schools in Lusaka district. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods and a descriptive survey design that sampled head teachers, teachers, and pupils. Data was obtained from the respondents by means of interviews and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by the use of software; Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 26) and Microsoft Excel (version 16). Frequency tables, graphs, figures, and pie charts were also used to analyze the data. The study established that improving teacher deployment, procurement of textbooks and acquiring of personal study materials by pupils, proper time management among pupils on studies, consistency in class attendance, constructing math labs well equipped with textbooks and relevant instruments, and improving on monitoring and inspection to ensure consistency among teachers were among key factors that would influence/ promote effective teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools. The study therefore called for greater attention from school administrators, parents, the government, and other relevant stakeholders to cooperate and find ways of addressing challenges that are associated with the teaching and learning of mathematics in a bid to improve learner academic performance in secondary schools.
Effective; Factors; Influence; Learning; School and Teaching
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