Exploring the phenomenon of quantum teleportation of epigenetic information in plants: Implications for the transfer of genome-stored experiences to close relatives

Nishantha Muththanthirige *

Department of Agriculture, P. O. Box. 1, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 09(01), 442–448.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.1.0466
Publication history: 
Received on 02 May 2023; revised on 10 June 2023; accepted on 13 June 2023
Quantum teleportation is a fascinating phenomenon that has garnered significant attention in the field of physics. Recent research suggest that quantum teleportation may extend beyond the realm of fundamental particles and apply to complex biological systems. In this review article, the phenomenon of quantum teleportation of epigenetic information in plants and its potential implications for the transfer of genome-stored experience to close relatives is explored. The article begins by providing an introduction to the concept of quantum teleportation and its underlying principles. Then, the emerging field of epigenetics is delved into, discussing the role of epigenetic modifications in plant adaptation and response to environmental stimuli. Subsequently, the existing evidence for the transfer of epigenetic information between plants through horizontal gene transfer is presented, along with the exploration of the possibility of quantum teleportation as an alternative mechanism for such transfers. The implications of quantum teleportation for the transfer of genome-stored experience are discussed, including the potential impact on plant evolution and adaptation. Furthermore, the challenges and limitations in studying quantum phenomena in biological systems are addressed, and future directions for research in this exciting field are proposed. In conclusion, while the phenomenon of quantum teleportation of epigenetic information in plants holds promise, further investigation is required to fully understand its mechanisms and implications. This knowledge will provide insights into the feasibility and mechanisms of quantum teleportation in plants.
Quantum teleportation; Epigenetic information; Horizontal gene transfer; Genome-stored experience; Adaptation
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