Evaluation of chemical quality characteristics of water collected from some groundwater sources in Tabuk City during 2024

Sameer Abdulmati Masoud Alsaedi *

M.Sc., Head manager, food safety section, Tabuk municipal, KSA.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 3756-3762.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.2580
Publication history: 
Received on 13 November 2024; revised on 22 December 2024; accepted on 24 December 2024
The evaluation of water quality for drinking purpose is differed from that of other purposes such as domestic uses, irrigation of for certain laboratory preparations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical parameters of Tabuk groundwater compared to the local standards of drinking water quality. Samples were taken from 12 groundwater sources that are randomly selected to represent Tabuk City. Samples (500 ml) were taken from the main outlet pipe, and it were kept in clean and aseptic plastic containers. The chemical tests were conducted in the Laboratory, Food health and safety, municipality of Tabuk using the standard devices, methods and solutions. The obtained data were compared to the local quality standards of MEWA (2022). The results showed that, pH for all samples agreed with the local standard, as same as in EC, TDS and Hardness with exception of some samples. Also, the concentrations of Bicarbonate and nitrate for all samples did not exceed the upper standard limits, while sulfate and ammonia agreed with local limit of standard with some exceptions. The concentrations of fluoride and lead in all samples were far more below the upper limits, unlike the concentrations of chloride that more than 30-folds exceeded the upper limit in all samples. Lead is still far from its potential critical concentration. Ion most samples, the concentrations of Sodium and Potassium were below the upper standard limits. Moderate concentrations of Mg were recorded for most samples, but all samples contained low concentrations of Fe element far more than the upper required limit. The samples that did not agreed with the local standards should be investigated and the concentrations of Na, K, Mg and Fe should be considered seriously from their physiological requirements to human body.
Quality; Chemical characteristics; Drinking water; Tabuk City; Groundwater
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