The effect of reward and punishment on student learning outcome through student learning activity at SMA Terpadu Wira Bhakti Gorontalo, Indonesia

Ilhamurrahman M Hubaib *, Abd. Rahman Pakaya, Zainal Abidin Umar and Heldy Vanni Alam

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 691–697.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.0912
Publication history: 
Received on 27 September 2023; revised on 14 November 2023; accepted on 17 November 2023
This research aims to analyze the effect of reward and punishment on student learning outcomes through student learning activity in the economic subject for social science classes at SMA Terpadu Wira Bhakti Gorontalo. It applied a survey-type quantitative method. Primary data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 94 students as respondents and statistically analyzed using SEMPLS. Results indicated reward significantly impacted student learning outcome, punishment significantly impacted student learning outcome, student learning activity significantly impacted student learning outcome, reward significantly impacted student learning outcome mediated by student learning activity, and punishment significantly impacted student learning outcome mediated by student learning activity in the economic subject for social science classes at SMA Terpadu Wira Bhakti Gorontalo. The goodness of fit showed a Q-Square of 0.501 or 50.1%. It explained reward and punishment impacted learning outcomes mediated by student learning activity by 50.1%, whereas the other 49.9% was explicated by other unexamined factors here.
Reward; Punishment; Student Learning Activity; Student Learning Outcome
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