The effect of power factor on the performance of hydro power three-phase synchronous generator under inductive load

Arifin Wibisono *, Dimas Ragil Yanuardi and Slamet Riyadi

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(02), 433–445.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.2.0968
Publication history: 
Received on 15 October 2023; revised on 25 November 2023; accepted on 27 November 2023
Three-phase synchronous generators have numerous advantages for power generation applications. One of their strengths is the ability to operate at varying speeds. Voltage generation in synchronous generators relies on an excitation system, which greatly influences voltage and frequency stability. This paper examines the loading of three-phase synchronous generators with inductive loads. The research includes simulation results and laboratory testing. To support the analysis with simulations, testing was conducted in the laboratory. To represent the prime mover, a DC motor was used as the initial driver, along with the excitation system. The test results indicate that adding resistive loads yields better outcomes in output voltage waveform formation. Resistive loads significantly impact the generator's speed and terminal voltage, thus requiring the precise operation for stability of a three-phase synchronous generator. Based on the outcomes of processing simulation data, doing laboratory tests, and analyzing processes from a hydropower plant it is found that a three-phase synchronous generator with resistive-inductive load produces better output voltage waveforms. The resistive load affects the formation of the synchronous generator's terminal voltage waveform, while the inductive load causes the current waveform to lag behind the terminal voltage. Additionally, the resistive load affects the decrease in generator speed, requiring adjustment of the armature current in the DC motor as the prime mover.  
Sinusoidal; Excitation; Voltage; Current; Power; Inductive
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