Contributions of the palm plantation sub-sector to the regional economic development of Boalemo

Rini Anggraini Bungi, Mahludin H Baruwadi * and Ria Indriani

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 10(01), 265–271.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.10.1.0677
Publication history: 
Received on 03 July 2023; revised on 23 August 2023; accepted on 25 August 2023
This research delivers (1) an analysis of palm plantation sub-sector contributions to the regional economic development of Boalemo and (2) formulated alternative strategies to develop palm plantation related to the regional economic development of Boalemo. A survey method was applied. Empirical primary and secondary data collection was by interviews, observation, and questionnaire distribution. Data collected were analyzed using trend analysis and regional economic analysis made up of a localization analysis, specialization analysis, economic structure analysis, and economic share analysis. Results demonstrated that (1) The palm plantation sub-sector contributed by 3% to the regional economic development of Boalemo as the commodity was not special and not distributed. Its bases were only in three sub-districts in Boalemo. That was, only 40% of the total Boalemo area became the center for palm plantation commodity distribution and (2) An aggressive strategy was deployed as a reliability strategy for developing palm in Boalemo. It put the palm plantation sub-sector in Quadrant 1, which was considered very auspicious because of its power and opportunities.
Palm Contribution; Economic Development; Development Strategy
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