Case studies for binary decision diagram for 5G mobile networks optimization

Panagiotis Leliopoulos and Athanasios Drigas *

Net Media Lab, IIT NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 780–802.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0491
Publication history: 
Received on 19 February 2024; revised on 25 March 2024; accepted on 27 March 2024
In this paper, we study the binary decision diagrams and mobile network optimization. As we see about the binary decision diagrams, Lee and Akers first introduced the general concept of binary decision diagrams but later spread by Bryant. It turns out that, according to the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) order and reduction rules, binary decision diagrams are a standard form of representation. After that, we study the spanning trees and binary decision diagrams. An advantage of binary decision diagrams-based methods is that binary decision diagrams provide a concise and separate description of system success or failure. The effectiveness of binary decision diagram methods is measured by the size of them, which depends heavily on the selected series.
ICT; 5G; Optimization; Case Studies; Binary Decision; Diagram; Mobile Networks
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