Beyond headlines: A qualitative analysis of environmental reporting in bangladeshi print media

Samia Ajman *

Department of Journalism & Media Communication, Green University, Bangladesh.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 358–365.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0437
Publication history: 
Received on 02 February 2024; revised on 09 March 2024; accepted on 12 March 2024
Environmental degradation poses significant challenges to Bangladesh's sustainable development, given its dense population and vulnerability to climate change. Media, particularly print journalism, plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges by raising awareness and fostering public discourse. This study examines environmental reporting in Bangladeshi print media, focusing on depth, source diversity, and long-term impact. Through qualitative analysis and interviews, it evaluates coverage depth, source credibility, and societal outcomes. Findings reveal a mix of superficial and investigative reporting, with varied source usage. While challenges like resource constraints and censorship exist, opportunities for improvement through training, investigative focus, source diversification, and ethical reporting practices are identified. Enhancing environmental journalism's quality and impact can promote public awareness, policy discourse, and societal change, contributing to Bangladesh's environmental sustainability.
Environmental Reporting; Bangladeshi Print Media; Investigative Journalism; Source Utilization; Long-Term Impact
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