Banana growing and its climate suitability in the municipality of Recife-Pe, Brazil

Romildo Morant de Holanda 1, *, Raimundo Mainar de Medeiros 2, Manoel Vieira de França 3, Luciano Marcelo Fallé Saboya 4, Moacyr Cunha Filho 5 and Wagner Rodolfo de Araújo 6 

1 Department of Rural Technology Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
2 Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
3 Department of Rural Technology Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil
4 Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil.
5 Department of Statistics and Informatics Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
6 Graduating in Geography Estacio de Sa University, Brazil.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 06(01), 068–077.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.6.1.0112
Publication history: 
Received on 06 April 2022; revised on 12 May 2022; accepted on 14 May 2022
The banana tree is a plant characteristic of the tropical region, demanding in temperatures and rainfall with good regional distribution, due to its low cost and high nutritional value, it is an integral part of the diet of populations. The objective is to analyze the climatic oscillations, from the calculation of the water balance and its climatic classification, according to the methods of Thorn Thwaite and Köppen, for the city of Recife, verifying the occurrence of the aptitude of the banana cultivar. The average rainfall and temperature data were acquired from the National Institute of Meteorology, for the period between 1962 and 2016. Banana plantations are moderate because they have a water deficit of 287.4 mm. The evaporative power registered in the municipal area is high, but the demand for irrigation complements the scarcity of water to cultivate it. The local altitude is in the range of planting of the cultivar as well as the variability of the relative humidity of the air. Wind is one of the limiting factors for commercial exploitation of banana cultivation, if the cultivars are tall and planted in sandy soils.
Available water in the soil; Irrigation; Climatic elements; Variability Climatic
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