Association of electrocardiographic findings in COPD patients

Sushma Kumari 1, Pant Suresh Keshav 2, Himanshu Chaudhary 3 and Ashok Kumar deo 4

1 Department of pharmacology, Narayan Medical college & Hospital, Sasaram, Bihar, India.
2 Department of Pharmacology, JNKT Medical college, Madhepura, Bihar, India.
3 Department of G. Surgery, Narayan Medical college & Hospital, Sasaram, Bihar, India.
4 Department of Physiology, Narayan Medical college & Hospital, Sasaram, Bihar, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 454-458.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0072
Publication history: 
Received on 12 December 2022; revised on 22 January 2023; accepted on 25 January 2023
Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causes structural and functional changes in lung that leads to changes in cardiovascular system. This is reflected in Electrocardiogram.
Material & Method: 100 COPD cases were selected from medicine OPD. GOLD staging was done by spirometry. Monthly ECG was done on every patient.
Observation & results: The analysis of data was done by SPSS ver 26.0. on corelating ECG findings with GOLD staging, we found significant association for P-pulmonale and RAD however non-significant association was found for R/S in V1>1, R/S >7mm, S<2mm in V1, qR in V1 R/S in V5/V6 and other parameter of ECG.
Conclusion: COPD patients shows P-Pulmonale and right ECG axis deviation in ECG.
COPD; Right axis deviation; P-pulmonale; Changes
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