Advanced pipeline leak detection technologies for enhancing safety and environmental sustainability in energy operations

Peter Ifechukwude Egbumokei 1, *, Ikiomoworio Nicholas Dienagha 2, Wags Numoipiri Digitemie 3 and Ekene Cynthia Onukwulu 4

1 Shell Nigeria Gas (SEN/ SNG), Nigeria.
2 Shell Petroleum Development Company, Lagos Nigeria.
3 Shell Energy Nigeria PLC.
4 Independent Researcher, Nigeria.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 04(01), 222-228.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.4.1.0186
Publication history: 
Received on 23 October 2021; revised on 05 December 2021; accepted on 08 December 2021
Pipeline leak detection is a critical component of modern energy infrastructure, playing a vital role in ensuring safety, operational efficiency, and environmental sustainability. This paper explores the evolution of leak detection technologies, highlighting the limitations of traditional methods and the transformative potential of advanced innovations. Key advancements, including fiber optic sensors, acoustic emission systems, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things-enabled devices, have significantly enhanced monitoring systems' precision, reliability, and response time. Emerging trends such as drone-based inspections and satellite imaging extend the scope of surveillance to remote and inaccessible areas, further mitigating risks to human life and ecosystems. The paper also examines the implications of these technologies for safety, regulatory compliance, and cost-effectiveness, emphasizing their contributions to reducing environmental harm. Recommendations are provided to guide future research and adoption strategies, including enhancing affordability, fostering interoperability, and leveraging public-private partnerships. By embracing these innovations, the energy sector can achieve greater resilience and sustainability in its operations.
Pipeline leak detection; Fiber optic sensors; Artificial intelligence; Internet of Things; Environmental sustainability; Drone-based inspections
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