Exploring cognitive reflection for decision-making in robots: Insights and implications

Durga Deepak Valluri *

Independent Researcher, Old Orchard Beach, ME, United States.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 518–530.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0463
Publication history: 
Received on 08 February 2024; revised on 15 March 2024; accepted on 18 March 2024
This study critically examines the potential of embedding a cognitive reflection model within robotic decision-making systems. Cognitive reflection, which enables humans to surpass initial impulses and heuristics for improved decision outcomes, is proposed as a mechanism to augment the decision-making capacity of autonomous robots. By analyzing existing decision-making paradigms in robotics, this paper conceptualizes the adoption of cognitive reflection and evaluates its prospective transformative impact on the field. Through a detailed investigation, it articulates the significant enhancements in robotic intelligence and functionality that cognitive reflection can offer. Furthermore, it rigorously discusses the technical feasibility, ethical considerations, and broader societal ramifications, delineating a comprehensive framework for the responsible and effective integration of cognitive processes in robotics.
Cognitive Reflection; Decision-Making; Robotic Autonomy; Adaptive Robotics
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