Efficacy of Mom’s Belief Integrated Therapy Protocol (MBITP) based therapies across multiple therapy centers serving neurodivergent populations

Nitin Bindlish 1 *,  Khilly Marwaha 1 , Ishani Chakravorty 2 ,Tanushree Dwivedi 1 , Rhythm Makkar 1 and Mom’s Belief Clinical Team 1

1 Mom’s Belief, Rays of Belief, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
2 Mom’s Belief, Rays of Belief, British Columbia, Canada.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 1864–1873.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0674
Publication history: 
Received on 11 March 2024; revised on 17 April 2024; accepted on 20 April 2024
Long term and intensive therapy that can provide for a multimodal comprehensive approach has been found to be an effective modality for children presenting with varied kinds of Neurodevelopmental delays, concerns and diagnosis. In India and in the world at large there are millions of Neurodivergent children who are in need of high-quality Psychological therapeutic services that are easily accessible. Varied therapy centers provide such a solution in which the child is at the very core of the therapeutic process. The primary objective of the study was to measure the effectiveness of the center based in-person intervention for children with Neurodivergent needs. A pre-post T-test analysis demonstrates that even with as less as 2 hours of weekly therapies such as Speech, OT and Behaviour therapy-based interventions within a span of 3 months of providing quality therapy there has been significant positive progress for children in all five domains of development, as hypothesized.
Center-based intervention; Neurodivergent children; Special needs; Child Psychology; Developmental Psychology
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