Developing smart apps creator-based learning media on social arithmetic materials for seventh graders

Ari Rudiansyah *, Nurhayati Abbas and Majid

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 11(01), 275–281.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.1.0956
Publication history: 
Received on 08 October 2023; revised on 04 December 2023; accepted on 07 December 2023
This R&D (Research and Development) research delivers Smart Apps Creator-based learning media on social arithmetic materials for seventh graders by referring to the Four-D development model. The instruments used were validation sheets and response questionnaires for teachers and students. Material and media experts gave validation scores of 96.9% and 98.2%, respectively, with the Very Valid category. The Smart Apps Creator-based learning media on social arithmetic was very practical for students to use, based on teacher responses, at a percentage of 98.7%. The media was also effective, as demonstrated by the results of student learning tests and responses. The learning test results increased. Before using Smart Apps Creator-based learning media, 41 students had a mean score of 64.4, which was under the Minimum Completeness Criteria set by SMP Negeri 1 Paleleh and hence categorized as Poor, while 15 others scored 72.3, which was above Minimum Completeness Criteria and categorized as Acceptable. After using the media, six students had a mean score of 74.38 in the Acceptable category, 30 with a mean score of 84.67 in the Good category, and 20 with a mean score of 94.38 in the Excellent category. Meanwhile, as exhibited by the results of student response questionnaires concerning the use of Smart Apps Creator-based learning media on social arithmetic materials, 90% of the responses were positive. To infer, Smart Apps Creator-based learning media on social arithmetic materials were valid, effective, and reliable to use.
Smart Apps Creator; Social Arithmetic; Learning Media
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